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Hi, my name is,

Yashasvi Sinha

I put ideas into production.

I am a software engineer, who likes to build (and intermittently design) web and mobile applications, and a whole lot of things in between.

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my services

Mobile App Development

With the number of smartphone users more than 3 billion, not having a mobile application for your business means you are losing about 44% of the business opportunities. 

Ideate Wireframes

You have your idea and having trouble to put into perspective. Wondering how your app should or would look? Let me help you. Your idea with our designs.


Technical specifications, measurable milestones, software architecture, or just a core member of your development team. It is very exciting to bring my client’s idea to production.

Post Launch

Just releasing an application to the market doesn’t necessarily mean success. Maintenance, implementing new features, customer feedback, and the corresponding improvement to reflect in the app is a huge challenge.

Website Development

 Today, 60% of the world population use the Internet. A website is a must to give your business the boost that it needs. It enables you to go global from local.

Built From Scratch

Although most of the businesses don’t need to build from scratch, there are instances when there is no other way. Here, you are 100% in control of your website. Gives you the freedom to do anything. However, it is more expensive compared to the alternatives in terms of effort, time, and money.

Choose a Premade Template

For the majority of businesses, building from scratch is not required. It is much more feasible to choose a layout/design and customize it according to wish. This option might not be 100% customizable, but saves a lot of time and money.

Maintenance & Updates

Got an old site that needs an update? Want to change the dev stack to the latest one of your liking? I know maintaining software is more cumbersome than creating it, but it also the most important. A lot of products die out because they weren’t taken care of.

My Process


A problem well defined is a problem half-solved. Defining what needs to be done is always a better way to start any project.


Design is intelligence made visible. Without it, its like beating around the bushes. Designing before development saves crucial project time.


Nature is to change. A perfect product is never made once. It is made iteratively, fine-tuning the variables, ultimately resulting in the desired results.


Where everything comes to life. The stage where the quality depends upon the stages before. A place where ideas come into production.

Ready to Make Your Idea Come to Life?

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About Me

Hello! I’m Yash.

I like conversations about technology, music, culture, and society. I always have more than one thing going around me, can’t be stuck doing one thing the whole day, right? It might seem inefficient but gives a rich experience overall.

It was a game, that got me interested in computers. Got my first PC in 2003. An amazing piece of hardware, which I overused. High school was a turning point when I wrote my first line of code in C++.

When the Internet boom came, I started building websites and web apps, and then there was no looking back. Simply because of its potential and its reach. Solving real-world problems of business clients gives me the satisfaction of helping out society.

  • Web Development
  • Web Design
  • SEO & Social

Years of Experience

Independent Projects

Team Projects

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